github TabularEditor/TabularEditor 2.8.4
Tabular Editor 2.8.4

latest releases: 2.24.1, 2.24.0, 2.23.1...
4 years ago

Minor changes and bugfixes:

  • Fix issue #300 (thanks @albertospelta )
  • Fix issue #297 (compatibility with Tabular Translator)
  • Fixed a UI bug when editing perspective memberships of Calculation Groups
  • Fixed an error ("The given key was not present in the dictionary") which could occur when loading .pbit files created with newer releases of Power BI Desktop.

Going forward, all releases of Tabular Editor will contain two binaries:

  • TabularEditor.Installer.msi - recommended for most users
  • - a portable version of TabularEditor.exe and its dependent DLLs, which does not require any installation on the client machine.

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