github TabularEditor/TabularEditor 2.8.2
Tabular Editor 2.8.2

latest releases: 2.24.1, 2.24.0, 2.23.1...
5 years ago


  • Various code improvements provided by @albertospelta - thanks!
  • Fixed issue #275
  • Fixed crash when deleting a table that has TablePermissions on it
  • Fixed an issue with the Best Practice Analyzer, where generic types or value types were being Null-checked, causing a crash in some cases
  • Fixed a bug with the command line -A switch, that would cause a crash if a BPA rule had a syntax error
  • Fixed issue #272
  • Fixed issue #278

Minor changes

  • Calculation Items / Groups can now be copy/pasted (issue #266)
  • Retargeting to use the version 15.17.1 of the NuGet AMO libs, which is the first public release of the libs that supports Calculation Groups in SQL Server 2019 and (very soon) Azure Analysis Services.
  • Database name/id can now be modified (only when saving to file/folder)
  • Added syntax highligting for a number of new DAX functions
  • All hidable objects now expose an "IsVisible" property, which makes it easier to write certain BPA rules. For example, a Column will have its IsVisible property set to false, if the parent table is hidden, regardless of whether the column itself is hidden.
  • Improved handling of ErrorMessages for Calculation Groups
  • Display Folder support for the Calculation Group field
  • Resurfacing objects in multiple Display Folders by using a semicolon in the DisplayFolder string is now supported in the UI
  • When connecting to an instance of SQL Server Analysis Services or Azure Analysis Services, the connection is now automatically refreshed every minute, which should prevent disconnects due to inactivity (issue #252)
  • Tabular Editor now allows you to enter custom proxy settings for the update checker and DAX Formatter service (issue #277) - review the settings under File > Preferences > General

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