This release features:
- Best Practice Analyzer
- Various UI improvements and bug fixes (recent files menu and recent servers dropdown)
- More command-line options (blog-post coming soon)
- Improvements to the "Save to Folder" functionality. Now, you can use the File > Preferences dialog to adjust which types of objects should be stored as individual .json files:
- Added button to toggle between alphabetical / metadata ordering of items in Explorer Tree
- Fixed bug when deploying model without any roles.
- Preferences.json and TOMWrapper.dll are now stored in %AppData%\Local instead of %ProgramData% which could cause issues on multi-user environments
- Fixed bug that caused a file to be created in C:\Projects which was only needed for testing purposes (could cause start-up crash on machines with no admin-rights)
- Fixed BPA bug that did not allow users to add new rules ("Add rule" button disabled)
- Added "Save to File" Options to the "Preferences" dialog, that can be used to toggle timestamps, linebreaks, etc. in the outputtet json when saving to Model.bim files.
- Added Comment/Uncomment toolbar buttons to DAX Editor
- Model Role Members can now be edited in the Property Grid
Looking for SQL Server 2017 support?