github TabularEditor/TabularEditor 2.17.3
Tabular Editor 2.17.3

latest releases: 2.24.1, 2.24.0, 2.23.1...
16 months ago

Improvements in this release

  • Updated TOM to
  • Tokenizer support for new DAX functions and nested block comments

Bugfixes in this release

  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to load a model from a .bim or .json file if it containd PBI specific properties (relatedColumnDetails, for example).
  • Do not convert trailling spaces to %20 in file names when using "save-to-folder" (but still do it for folders, since folders in Windows cannot have trailing spaces), see issues #1066, #952
  • ResolveObjectPath now also understands the "old" path format, see #1077
  • Fixed unhandled exception when running BPA through command line, see #1059 (thanks @DBojsen)

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