This update of PILOS v4 introduces enhanced permission restrictions for non-superusers, a command to provision via JSON-file, numerous new frontend tests, and improved error handling. Additionally, various UI issues have been fixed, including search and loading errors, as well as inconsistencies in form validation and dropdown menus.
To Install this version check our Getting Started Guide
- Missing loading retry button on room types overview page (#1588) by @SamuelWei
- Reload button for replacement room type in delete dialog on room types overview page (#1588) by @SamuelWei
- Permission restrictions to prevent non-superusers from editing and deleting superusers (#1651) by @SamuelWei
- Permission restrictions to prevent non-superusers from assigning the superuser role (#1651) by @SamuelWei
- Environment variable for configuring restricted permissions that cannot be assigned to non-superuser roles (#1651) by @SamuelWei
- Display raw permission names in the admin interface (#1651) by @SamuelWei
- Visual tests with (#1600) by @SamuelWei
- Artisan command for provisioning via JSON file (#1636, #1678) by @pizkaz
- Frontend tests for Footer (#1150, #1844) by @Sabr1n4W
- Frontend tests for Banner (#1150, #1844) by @Sabr1n4W
- Frontend tests for Forgot Password, Password Reset, Verify Email pages (#1150, #1844) by @Sabr1n4W
- Frontend tests for Admin Index page (#1150, #1844) by @Sabr1n4W
- Frontend tests for Admin Settings page (#1150, #1844) by @Sabr1n4W
- Frontend tests for Admin Users page (#1150, #1844) by @Sabr1n4W
- Frontend tests for Admin Roles page (#1150, #1844) by @Sabr1n4W
- Frontend tests for Admin Room Types page (#1150, #1844) by @Sabr1n4W
- Frontend tests for Admin Servers page (#1150, #1844) by @Sabr1n4W
- Frontend tests for Admin Server Pools page (#1150, #1844) by @Sabr1n4W
- Frontend tests for Meetings Index page (#1150, #1844) by @Sabr1n4W
- Real-time input validation on create superuser command (#1651) by @SamuelWei
- Error handling in room statistics (#1535, #1600) by @SamuelWei
- Error handling in room attendance (#1535, #1600) by @SamuelWei
- Close multiselect dropdowns on selection (#1588) by @SamuelWei, @Sabr1n4W
- Permissions loading behaviour on view/edit page of roles (#1588) by @SamuelWei, @Sabr1n4W
- Improve frontend tests for login page (#1794) by @Sabr1n4W
- Access code input type on room settings section to hide browser arrow buttons (#1827, #1829) by @SamuelWei
- Improve current Frontend tests (#1150, #1844) by @Sabr1n4W
- Bumped BBB Recording Player to 5.2.1 (#1855) by @SamuelWei
- Search not disabled during loading on the overview pages for roles, room types, servers and server pools (#1675, #1588) by @SamuelWei, @Sabr1n4W
- Overlays not shown after loading error on view/edit pages of servers and server pools (#1677, #1588) by @SamuelWei, @Sabr1n4W
- Dialog buttons not disabled correctly during actions on the overview/view/edit pages for roles, room types, servers and server pools (#1711, #1588) by @SamuelWei, @Sabr1n4W
- Dialogs being closable during loading on the overview/view/edit pages for roles, room types, servers and server pools (#1588) by @SamuelWei, @Sabr1n4W
- Form validation error messages on view/edit pages room types, server pools and application settings (#1588) by @SamuelWei, @Sabr1n4W
- Error handling on the overview page of users (#1588) by @SamuelWei, @Sabr1n4W
- Stale error handling on the view/edit page of sever pools (#1588) by @SamuelWei, @Sabr1n4W
- 404 error handling on the room types delete dialog (#1588) by @SamuelWei, @Sabr1n4W
- Set empty BBB logo image url (#1751, #1588) by @SamuelWei, @Sabr1n4W
- 401 error handling on view/edit/create page of users (#1588) by @SamuelWei, @Sabr1n4W
- Overlay reload buttons on view/edit/create page of roles, room types, servers and server pools (#1588) by @SamuelWei, @Sabr1n4W
- Wrong error message shown for 422 errors when verifying email (#1744, #1758) by @Sabr1n4W
- Broken banner link style 'warning' (#1759, #1760) by @SamuelWei
- Inconsistent select/multiselect loading states (#1772) by @Sabr1n4W
- Input fields not disabled correctly on login page (#1791, #1794) by @Sabr1n4W
- Style of 'clear' button of the room replacement selector in the 'Delete room type' dialog (#1784, #1787) by @SamuelWei
- Inconsistent result ordering in tables on equal primary sorting criteria (#1601, #1795) by @SamuelWei
- Missing form validation feedback for password fields on login page (#1801) by @SamuelWei
- Missing form validation feedback on forgot password page (#1802) by @SamuelWei
- Room limit radio on edit roles page not reset on stale error (#1824, #1825) by @SamuelWei
Full Changelog: v4.2.0...v4.3.0
Special thanks to @Sabr1n4W for her incredible dedication over the past 12 months in re-implementing our test suite in Cypress and adapting it for the new UI. Your hard work and commitment have been invaluable to this project!