github THM-Health/PILOS v2.0.0-RC.4
PILOS 2.0.0-RC.4

latest releases: v3.0.3, v2.4.4, v3.0.2...
pre-release13 months ago

This is the fourth release candidate of PILOS v2 including some refactoring

PILOS v2 is under active development. While we don’t recommend setting it up in a production environment, we do encourage administrators to try out the build with others and give us feedback.

Please follow the Upgrade Guide if you update.
To Install this version check our Readme and Install Instructions


  • Breaking: LDAP attribute and role mapping (#340)
  • API Routes for bulk edit and bulk delete of room members (#337, #338)

Authentication with LDAP has been fundamentally refactored.
In the process, some .env variables were changed, added or removed. The following table provides an overview of the changes.

Old .env Attribute New .env Attribute Description
LDAP_ROLE_ATTRIBUTE Removed Attribute with the users role, can be a multi value attribute, replaced with new mapping json file
LDAP_ROLE_MAP Removed Map the attribute to the name of a local role, replaced with new mapping json file
AUTH_LOG_LDAP_ROLES AUTH_LOG_ROLES Show found roles during mapping
- LDAP_GUID_KEY Attribute with GUID; OpenLDAP (default): 'entryuuid', AD: 'objectGUID'
- LDAP_OBJECT_CLASSES Comma seperated list of the object class (default: top,person,organizationalperson,inetorgperson)
- LDAP_LOGIN_ATTRIBUTE Attribute by which the user should be found in the LDAP (default: uid)

Please have a look at the external authentication documentation

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