github TCNOco/TcNo-Acc-Switcher Build-v2024-08-29_00
TcNo Account Switcher - 2024-08-29_00

latest releases: TEST-2024-10-28_09, TEST-2024-0-28_08, TEST-2024-10-28_08...
6 months ago

TcNo Account Switcher Banner

Reporting bugs:

Please report any and all bugs, as well as steps to recreate them into the Issues, or the #bug-report channel under TCNO ACCOUNT SWITCHER section on the Community Discord.

Required runtimes:

If you use the installer: The required runtimes will automatically be downloaded and installed.
If you are NOT using the installer: Run _FIRST_RUN.exe on a computer to bring up the same window as in the installer, where runtimes are downloaded and installed.
NOT WORKING? Manual Download and Install - Wiki on this GitHub

Visit the Wiki for more info and steps for your first launch.


  1. Download TcNo.Account.Switcher.Installer...exe
  2. Run the installer, and the application should launch when done. If not:
    Head into the folder where you installed the program and run _FIRST_RUN.exe to make sure required runtimes are installed, and then run TcNo-Acc-Switcher.exe to run the main program. The second is what shortcuts to the program should point to.

For a portable installation (eg. on a USB) see THIS for steps on using the .zip or .7z below.

See more info HERE

Things not working? See the FAQ

New in this version

  • Bumped requirements to .NET 8+ from .NET 6. Please update! (See 2024-08-25_00 for other new changes)
  • Added Arena Breakout: Infinite and Delta Force: Hawk Ops
  • Added automatic Platforms.json updater (New platforms added - no full update required!)
  • CEF (Chrome Embedded Framework) error handling improved.
  • NOTE: TcNo Account Switcher is NO LONGER signed. Reason here: c283aa2. Builds are done with AppVeyor now to allow SignPath to help out with signing. This may change shortly :)

To download: Expand "Assets" below

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