github SymfonyCasts/reset-password-bundle v1.15.0
Drop Symfony 4.4 Support & Handle PHP 8.1 Time Bug

latest releases: v1.21.0, v1.20.3, v1.20.2...
20 months ago


We've dropped support for Symfony 4.4 as of this release. But, more importantly, if you're using PHP v8.1.x we've added a composer conflict for PHP versions 8.1.0 through 8.1.9. This is due to a time bug that was introduced in PHP 8.1.0 but has been fixed in PHP 8.1.10.

The bug directly affected Reset Token Expiration times and only affected users running the bundle on PHP 8.1.0 through 8.1.9. Additional details can be found in PR #235 and it's related issue.


September 13th, 2022



Diff: v1.14.1...v1.15.0


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