github Swifter1243/ReMapper 3.0.0

latest releases: 4.0.0, 3.1.2, 3.1.1...
2 years ago


You may use 2.1.0 if you want V2, but I will not be supporting it with new features.
It is designed to work with the ChroMapper V3 beta branch.
ReMapper was made for beatmap V2, so there will likely be bugs. Please DM me if you experience any.

Here's what's new:

  • Added jsdoc for pretty much everything
  • Added support for arcs and chains
  • Added support for new lighting and light rotations
  • Added support for new event types (BPM changes, boost events.. etc)
  • Added support for new component system
  • Added support for new geometry shaders
  • Added support for hsvLerp and tweaked Keyframe class to allow for any future flags
  • Allow multiple tracks for Environment objects
  • Fixed a bug with transferVisuals not transferring geometry materials
  • Slight performance increase for ModelScene, preventing redundantly cloning some information internally.
  • Fixed some issues with the jsonPrune function
  • Allow initializing an Event with a type
  • Allow ENV object transforms to be written easier (ENV.BTS.PILLAR.SCALE, ENV.BTS.PILLAR.ANCHOR --> ...ENV.BTS.PILLAR.TRANSFORM)
  • Fixed addProcess and addCondition not returning the LightRemapper
  • Added a few more general use functions
  • Internally transfer customData keys for basic events to their V3 counterparts (this is temporary and will be removed once CM fixes it)

Full Changelog: 2.1.0...3.0.0

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