github SubtitleEdit/subtitleedit 3.6.9
Subtitle Edit 3.6.9

latest releases: 4.0.8, 4.0.7, 4.0.6...
24 months ago

Change log

Windows installer version, .NET 4.8, 64/32-bit (will run 64 bit on 64-bit OS - so do use 64-bit codecs/VLC on 64-bit OS!)
Thx to XhmikosR for creating the Windows installer :)
Thx to LeonCheung for gfx :)
SHA256 Checksum: bfd855de2327f95a5640a0e62ff3813bbea6c7d6a626aa44250cc366f5bdf48e
Portable version, .NET 4.8, 64/32-bit (will run 64 bit on 64-bit OS - so do use 64-bit codecs/VLC on 64-bit OS!)
This version is for Linux users too:
SHA256 Checksum: 37a6063983eb46ddd02c5f1dea62fb0b1be8ae75fa52aff3dad07ef8404bd111
Portable version of SE with Finnish dictionaries, .NET 4.8, 64/32-bit (will run 64 bit on 64-bit OS - so do use 64-bit codecs/VLC on 64-bit OS!)
Spell check component:
Thx to vm for Finnish language file :)
Thx to SimplyTheBOSS for testing + OCR helper files :)
SHA256 Checksum: 60fb85b7c3f32770ae8e4cc73869bec74c086911911cc30caac513936aff5fd3
Portable version of SE with Polish dictionaries, .NET 4.8, 64/32-bit (will run 64 bit on 64-bit OS - so do use 64-bit codecs/VLC on 64-bit OS!)
Thx admas for Polish language file :)
SHA256 Checksum: e58d02810d6b2777e085a5c41a2cbad823aa42aca8777dc1368cff850b2112fe

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