github StreamUPTips/obs-streamup v1.6.0
StreamUP • v1.6.0

12 days ago

New Features

Added the StreamUP Dock

This is a dock that has easy access to the following functions:

  • Lock / Unlock All Sources
  • Lock / Unlock All Sources on Scene
  • Refresh Browser Sources
  • Refresh Audio Monitoring

To open the dock just go to 'Docks / StreamUP Dock' in the main menu bar at the top of OBS.

Get Currently Playing in VLC

Using OBS WebSocket, you can now use the StreamUP plugin to get what is currently playing in a VLC source.

Vendor Request:

  "requestType": "CallVendorRequest",
  "requestData": {
    "vendorName": "streamup",
    "requestType": "vlcGetCurrentFile",
    "requestData": null

Response (if source found):

  "requestType": "vlcGetCurrentFile",
  "responseData": {
    "title": "Active File Name.mkv"
  "vendorName": "streamup"

Response (if source not found):

  "requestType": "vlcGetCurrentFile",
  "responseData": {
    "error": "Source not found"
  "vendorName": "streamup"

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed hotkey saving / loading
  • Added more tooltips
  • Made installed plugins window more readable when many plugins are installed
  • Added Advanced Mask support

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