github StreamUPTips/obs-streamup v1.5.0
StreamUP • v1.5.0

latest release: v1.6.0
24 days ago

New Features

  • Added Lock / Unlock Current Scenes Sources

This will lock the current output scenes sources if one or more of them are unlocked. If they are all locked, it will unlock them all.
This can be triggered via a hotkey, WebSocket or 'Tools / StreamUP / Tools' menu.
Vendor Request:

  "requestType": "CallVendorRequest",
  "requestData": {
    "vendorName": "streamup",
    "requestType": "toggleLockCurrentSources",
    "requestData": null


  "requestType": "toggleLockCurrentSources",
  "responseData": {
    "lockState": true
  "vendorName": "streamup"
  • Added Lock / Unlock All Sources

This is similar to the previous addition but instead it will actually do this to every single source you have in the current scene collection in OBS.
This can be triggered via a hotkey, WebSocket or 'Tools / StreamUP / Tools' menu.
Vendor Request:

  "requestType": "CallVendorRequest",
  "requestData": {
    "vendorName": "streamup",
    "requestType": "toggleLockAllSources",
    "requestData": null


  "requestType": "toggleLockAllSources",
  "responseData": {
    "lockState": false
  "vendorName": "streamup"
  • Added System Tray notifications

You will now receive notifications when you use the following tools:
You can mute these notification in the 'Tools / StreamUP / Settings' menu. These notifications are muted automatically when your streaming output is live

Refresh Browser Sources
Refresh Audio Monitoring
Lock / Unlock All Sources
Lock / Unlock Current Scenes Sources
  • WebSocket Request: Get Current Selected Source

This will get the current source you have highlighted in OBS.
This only works when one source is selected.
Vendor Request:

  "requestType": "CallVendorRequest",
  "requestData": {
    "vendorName": "streamup",
    "requestType": "getCurrentSource",
    "requestData": null


  "requestType": "getCurrentSource",
  "responseData": {
    "selectedSource": "SourceName"
  "vendorName": "streamup"
  • WebSocket Request: Get OBS Output File Path

This will get the recording output file path from OBS.
This is where a users recorded files are saved when 'Stop Recording' has been pressed.
Vendor Request:

  "requestType": "CallVendorRequest",
  "requestData": {
    "vendorName": "streamup",
    "requestType": "getOutputFilePath",
    "requestData": null


  "requestType": "getOutputFilePath",
  "responseData": {
    "outputFilePath": "C:\\Users\\username\\Videos"
  "vendorName": "streamup"

Bug Fixes / Improvements

  • Fixed the "y" issue. This was not showing the correct error messages when an error was encountered.
  • Fixed crash when file path could not be received properly.
  • Fixed Hotkeys not saving.
  • Added '[StreamUP]' to logging lines.
  • Overall code clean up for readability purposes.

Upcoming Features

These are things that have been added to the StreamUP OBS plugin now, but may be subject to change going forward or may not be fully complete yet.

  • WebSocket Request: Get Bitrate

This will get your current streaming output bitrate.
Vendor Request:

  "requestType": "CallVendorRequest",
  "requestData": {
    "vendorName": "streamup",
    "requestType": "getBitrate",
    "requestData": null

Response if Streaming Output is Active:

  "requestType": "getBitrate",
  "responseData": {
    "kbits-per-sec": 8371
  "vendorName": "streamup"

Response if Streaming Output is Not Active:

  "requestType": "getBitrate",
  "responseData": {
    "error": "Streaming is not active."
  "vendorName": "streamup"

  • WebSocket Request: Get Show Transition

This will get your a sources show transition.
Vendor Request:

  "requestType": "CallVendorRequest",
  "requestData": {
    "vendorName": "streamup",
    "requestType": "getShowTransition",
    "requestData": {
      "sceneName": "Product Image Output",
      "sourceName": "Product Image"

Response if Source has a Show Transition:
Example is with a Swipe transition.

  "requestType": "getShowTransition",
  "responseData": {
    "success": true,
    "transitionDuration": 1000,
    "transitionName": "Product Image Show Transition",
    "transitionSettings": {
      "direction": "up",
      "swipe_in": true
    "transitionType": "swipe_transition"
  "vendorName": "streamup"

Response if Source doesn't have a Show Transition:

  "requestType": "getShowTransition",
  "responseData": {
    "error": "No transition set for this item.",
    "success": false
  "vendorName": "streamup"

  • WebSocket Request: Get Hide Transition

This will get a sources hide transition.
Vendor Request:

  "requestType": "CallVendorRequest",
  "requestData": {
    "vendorName": "streamup",
    "requestType": "getHideTransition",
    "requestData": {
      "sceneName": "Product Image Output",
      "sourceName": "Product Image"

Response if Source has a Hide Transition:
Example is with a Swipe transition

  "requestType": "getHideTransition",
  "responseData": {
    "success": true,
    "transitionDuration": 1000,
    "transitionName": "Product Image Hide Transition",
    "transitionSettings": {
      "direction": "up",
      "swipe_in": true
    "transitionType": "swipe_transition"
  "vendorName": "streamup"

Response if Source doesn't have a Hide Transition:

  "requestType": "getHideTransition",
  "responseData": {
    "error": "No transition set for this item.",
    "success": false
  "vendorName": "streamup"

  • WebSocket Request: Set Show Transition

This will set a sources show transition.
Vendor Request:
This example is using a swipe transition

  "requestType": "CallVendorRequest",
  "requestData": {
    "vendorName": "streamup",
    "requestType": "setShowTransition",
    "requestData": {
      "sceneName": "Product Image Output",
      "sourceName": "Product Image",
      "transitionType": "swipe_transition",
      "transitionDuration": 500,
      "transitionSettings": {
        "direction": "up",
        "swipe_in": true

  • WebSocket Request: Set Hide Transition

This will set a sources hide transition.
Vendor Request:
This example is using a swipe transition

  "requestType": "CallVendorRequest",
  "requestData": {
    "vendorName": "streamup",
    "requestType": "setHideTransition",
    "requestData": {
      "sceneName": "Product Image Output",
      "sourceName": "Product Image",
      "transitionType": "swipe_transition",
      "transitionDuration": 500,
      "transitionSettings": {
        "direction": "up",
        "swipe_in": true

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