github StrawberryPerl/Perl-Dist-Strawberry dev_5.40.0_RC1_UCRT
Strawberry Perl

one month ago

Development release of Strawberry Perl using Perl 5.40.0-RC1.

Note that the version of the Perl executable contained in the zip file has been set to to avoid possible later confusion.

Not all modules are currently packaged. Known issues are being tracked under the perl-5.40 tag: see

The .../c/bin dir needs to be cleaned up. It contains Winlibs utilities that are not needed for the final release.

Note: There are minor differences from the tag, commited after that tag.
54e5335 fixes issues with the portableshell batch files not working on some systems (discovered after packaging). The zip file was manually updated rather than run a whole new build.
00d41c7 was used in the build process.

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