github StrawberryPerl/Perl-Dist-Strawberry dev_20230318
sp536 20230318 development

latest releases: sp5.34.3.1, dev_5.38.3.1_20250204_gcc13, dev_5.34.3.1_20250205_gcc8...
pre-release24 months ago

Superseded by dev_20230420

This is an extract of the 5.36 build for experimentation. It is not a proper release.

The portableshell.bat file can be used to set the path and other env vars, but note that this is not a properly portable edition. The top level needs to be c:\strawberry for many of the components to work (so you should have c:\strawberry\perl, c:\strawberry\c etc ) (although this might not be a strict requirement - please test).

Many of the component libs are missing due to test failures. See

It also contains many more files in the c folder than are needed for the final distribution.

The main changes from the previous dev release are that ExtUtils::Depends is set to 0.8000 (see #80) and that BUILTIN_EXPECT is disabled and we build with -Os (#85). Due to this, more of the CPAN deps now build.

UPDATE 20230320: There is an error in the portableshell.bat file where the perl\site\bin dir is mis-specified. The path should be set to

set PATH=%SP%\perl\site\bin;%SP%\perl\bin;%SP%\c\bin;%PATH%

You should also be able to copy across a portableshell.bat file from another strawberry perl instance.

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