github StrawberryPerl/Perl-Dist-Strawberry SP_53821_64bit
Strawberry Perl 64-bit

latest releases: SP_54001_64bit_UCRT, dev_5.40.0.1_20240803_gcc13b, dev_5.40.0_20240802_gcc13...
pre-release13 months ago

Perl 5.38.2 for 64-bit environments.

Key differences from the 5.38.0 release are:

  1. The make.exe and cmake.exe files have been removed. They caused clashes with other toolchains.
  2. The patch utility is now the same as the one provided with Strawberry Perl 5.32. The one provided with SP 5.38.0 and SP 5.36.1 does not work properly. StrawberryPerl/build-extlibs#51
  3. libfribidi is now part of the distribution.
  4. DBD::MySql is not provided. Newer versions of DBD::MySql require a more recent version of libmysql, which is not yet part of the build system (but see #157).

Note that this release uses the same compiler toolchain as version so will have the same UTF-8 locale issues. See #150.

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