- fixed a small bug on MAP resource compression
- implemented independant compression on MAP resource
- XGM resource are now stored as FAR (accessible through bank switch)
- tweaked default BALANCED sprite cutting optimization strategy to reduce a bit sprite usage over tile
- increased maximum SPRITE width / height to 248 pixels (it was 128 pixels)
- optimized SPRITE metadata size (divided size by 4) at the expense of slower sprite processing
- force slow sprite cutting processing when specifying a number of iteration different from default (500000)
- added information (rescomp.txt) about how to provide extra data (priority / palette) on tilemap for MAP and IMAGE resources
- added support to grayscale image
- better error reporting
- several fixes to build_adv.bat file
- makefile can now define GDK variable on its own (environment variable not anymore needed)
- fixed copy/paste typo in makelib.gen file
- smalls changes to alternative OS solutions
- added Raster Scroll MD graphics guide reference
- updated credits part
- fixed line return
- increased maximum ROM size to 12MB
- removed resourcemanager tool which was not used nor complete
- added prelemenary docker support for easier SGDK usage on alternative OS (thanks to Steve Schnepp for it)
- added SYS_getFarDataSafe(..) method / FAR_SAFE(..) macro allowing safe access to resource crossing 512 KB banks
SGDK methods now use FAR_SAFE(..) accessor instead of FAR(..) for bank switch mechanism - fixed a bug in bank switch initialization
- better CPU load reporting
- minor change to main(..) prototype and return execution
- added new 'ROMHeader rom_header' variable to get easier access to ROM header infos
- added SYS_getFarDataSafe(..) method / FAR_SAFE(..) macro allowing safe access to resource crossing 512 KB banks
- modified sprite structures to reduce metadata size (but at the expense of a bit slower processing)
- added SPR_getVisibility(..) and SPR_isVisible(..) methods
- now automatic sprite visibility is computed using only X position as we use it only scanline sprite usage optimization
- made 'firstSprite' / 'lastSprite' visible
- improved profiling
- small tweak + some fixes when DMA is disabled
- added VDP_setHorizontalScrollVSync() and VDP_setVerticalScrollVSync() methods to do delayed scrolling update
- safier VDP_drawText(..) / VDP_clearText(..) methods (bounds check)
- prevented tilemap column update when plane width is set to 128 (not possible because auto-inc register is limited to 255)
- added priority info support to baseTile parameter in MAP_create(..)
- removed MATH_BIG_TABLES define as it's not anymore useful with the lto
- add clamp function (thanks de Devon Powell)
- fix issue with rounding helpers (fix16)
- added malloc(..) / free(..) so they forward to MEM_alloc(..) / MEM_free(..) methods
- added XGM_startPlay_FAR(..) to allow to play XGM music accessible through bank switch
- small fix on waitSubTick(..) method to take care of small wait during vblank
- added JOY_writeJoypadX(..) and JOY_writeJoypadY(...) which allow to set a specific position for mouse pointer (Thanks to LIZARDRIVE)
- small change to 'Map' and 'Sprite' structure for better doxygen documentation reference
- reworked folder structure
- added new basic HELLO_WORLD sample
- added BAD APPLE demo sample (to exhibit SGDK bank switching mechanism)
- added new WOBBLE fx sample (thanks to Andreas Dietrich for it)
- added new SCALING fx sample (thanks to Andreas Dietrich for it)
- SPRITE sample renamed to SONIC
- better score computation for Sprite part (also now comparable to others tests)