github StackExchange/dnscontrol v4.12.0

10 days ago

Hello DNSControl fans!

This release includes one new provider (HUAWEICLOUD), HTTPS/SVCB records are now supported on CLOUDFLAREAPI and GCORE, and require() now supports JSON5 files. There are also many bugfixes and documentation improvements.

Thanks to @huihuimoe for contributing the HUAWEICLOUD provider!

The big news of this release is that CLOUDFLAREAPI's CF_REDIRECT/CF_TEMP_REDIRECT commands can now generate redirects using "rules" instead of "page rules". Page rules are going away soon. See for more info. This feature is very new and needs more testing. Please test it carefully before putting it into production, and test the changes in production right away. We're releasing this early to get it out there for early testing before Page Rules go away. (On a personal note, I haven't tested it on all my domains so I can't even promise it works in all the intended cases.) Bug reports greatfully accepted.

Thanks to everyone for their contributions! This is a community effort and it wouldn't be a success without all your help!


Major features:

Provider-specific changes:




Other changes and improvements:

Deprecation warnings


  • REV() will switch from RFC2317 to RFC4183 in v5.0. This is a breaking change. Warnings are output if your configuration is affected. No date has been announced for v5.0. See
  • MSDNS maintainer needed! Without a new volunteer, this DNS provider will lose support after April 2025. See #2878
  • NAMEDOTCOM and SOFTLAYER need maintainers! These providers have no maintainer. Maintainers respond to PRs and fix bugs in a timely manner, and try to stay on top of protocol changes.
  • get-certs/ACME support is frozen and will be removed without notice between now and July 2025. It has been unsupported since December 2022. If you don't use this feature, do not start. If you do use this feature, migrate ASAP. See discussion in issues/1400


macOS and Linux

Install with Homebrew (recommended)
brew install dnscontrol
Install with MacPorts
sudo port install dnscontrol
Using with Docker

You can use the Docker image from Docker hub or GitHub Container Registry.

docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/dns" preview

Anywhere else

Alternatively, you can install the latest binary (or the apt/rpm/deb/archlinux package) from this page.

Or, if you have Go installed, you can install the latest version of DNSControl with the following command:

go install


Update to the latest version depends on how you choose to install dnscontrol on your machine.

Update with Homebrew

brew upgrade dnscontrol
Install with MacPorts
sudo port upgrade dnscontrol

Alternatively, you can grab the latest binary (or the apt/rpm/deb package) from this page.

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