github SpotCompiled/SpotC-Plus-Plus v2.1.3
SpotC++ v2.1.3

7 days ago


  • Updated EeveeSpotify to Swift 4.3
  • (EeveeSpotify) Fixed "Couldn't load the lyrics for this song" message when they are restricted on Musixmatch
  • (EeveeSpotify) Option to show fallback reasons in the lyrics card header
  • (EeveeSpotify) Updated OpenSpotifySafariExtension no longer mismatches on links like
  • Updated Spotify to version 8.9.50

Vanilla IPA decrypted using a fork of BagBak, on my personal MacBook Air and Jailbroken iPhone XR running Dopamine, feel free to contact me with questions about this environment.
App .ipa modified and tweaks injected using Pyzule with the github Action Workflow.

Version Details & VirusTotal Results

Spotify Version: v8.9.50
Vanilla Spotify VirusTotal

EeveeSpotify Version: Swift 4.3
EeveeSpotify .deb VirusTotal

Sposify v8.5.52
Sposify VirusTotal

OpenSpotifySafariExtension Commit: edd4cbd
OpenSpotifySafariExtension Repo Compressed .zip VirusTotal

Sposify Fix v0.0.6
Sposify Fix VirusTotal

Orion Runtime (iOS 14 - 16) Version: 1.0.1
Orion Runtime (iOS 14 - 16) .deb VirusTotal

SwiftProtobuf Framework Version: 1.26.0
SwiftProtobuf Framework .deb VirusTotal

SpotC++ Version: v2.1.3
SpotC++ VirusTotal

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