github SpongePowered/SpongeAPI v13.0.0

10 days ago

What's Changed

Breaking Changes

  • Item Model data kinds have changed with Minecraft 1.21.2 from a float to a more elaborate component format
  • ArmorMaterials have changed from an Optional<Ingredient> to Predicate<ItemStack>
  • BoatTypes no longer have a representedBlock association per Minecraft's data-driven design
  • CarvingSteps are removed, per world generation engine has changed
  • AvoidLivingGoal targetSelector() now uses a BiPredicate<Living, ServerWorld> instead of just a Predicate<Living>
  • Per Mojang's data id changes for AttributeModifiers, the names of these fields have changed
  • Explosions radius changed from integer to float radius
  • CooldownEvent has removed ItemType as now they are based on Cooldown Groups, read more on the Minecraft Wiki
  • Removed previously deprecated methods from API 12 regarding the change from ItemStack to ItemStackLike

Full Changelog: v12.0.0...v13.0.0

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