SongTube 6.0.0:
Playlist Creation/Management Support:
- First implementation of custom Playlists
- You can now create new Playlists and add Videos to created Playlists
- You can now save playlists from your search results
Youtube Video Player:
- Re-designed Video Player with much better looking UI
- Added support for changing streaming quality
- Added support for double tap to fast back or forward (10s)
- Added support for vertical drag to change screen brightness (left side, only in fullscreen)
- Added support for vertical drag to change media volume (right side, only in fullscreen)
- Related videos are now actually related to the video you are watching
- Added a button to open video comments!
YouTube Extractor:
- Replaced youtube_explode_dart with newpipe_extractor
- Loading speed for Search, Channels, Videos, etc, has dramatically improved
- Search will now show Channels as results!
Screens & Pages:
- Added new Music Screen! You can now search for Music only.
- Home Screen now shows Trending Videos on app start (No more weird videos)
- Added a new page for all your saved Playlists! Accesible on Library Screen
- Consistency between Screens & Pages have been improved
- Updated and Re-designed the About us Page
UI Experience:
- Added a new and smoother transition animation between pages
- Improved Search show/hide animation from the Home Screen
- Pages opening animation have been improved
- Blur UI Style fixed (Pages now properly makes use of it)
- Optimized Sliding Panel open/close perfomance (for Videos/Music)
- Fixed issues where the Collapsed Panel would not respond
- UI is now more smooth in general
- Added Arabic language (Thanks @JOOD_TECH)
- Added Somali language (Thanks @nadiration)
- Fixed all issues related to Channels and Playlists
- Added more Shimmer Effects
- Added an empty indicator wherever it is needed
- Improved SplashArt Image (Goodbye blurred logo)
- Switched to GPLv3 license