We are pleased to announce the release of the SonarQube C++ Community Plugin version 0.9.5.
See lists below for features added and bugs fixed in this release.
SonarQube compability
- tested and released for SonarQube 4.5.2+, 5.0.x, 5.1.x, 5.3.x, 5.4.x and 5.5.x,
see also SonarQube compatibility matrix - Upgrade Instructions
- Installation Instructions
- command line tool for standalone analysis cxxlint #791
- allow custom checks in external plugins #667. #527
- improved multi module support #695
- improved report path handling: can be relative or absolute inside or outside rootDir now #683, #425
- parser enhancements:
- metrics enhancements:
- checks enhancements:
- rule enhancements:
- unit test enhancements:
- VC build log parser:
- integration tests:
- other:
- update urls in pom.xml, wiki and plugin (SonarOpenCommunity) #674
- handle relative report paths with backticks outside basedir. #780
- naming convention for functions should ignore name of class (#795)
- Cannot find reports with relative Ant globbing (#775, #777)
- NullPointerException looking for CppCheck report (#766)
- Why didn't find the checks for naming convention in sonar-cxx-plugin-0.9.4.jar (#762)
- Valgrind parsing error (#759, #799)
- alias template can only be inline documented (#736)
- SQ-5.2 background task: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Rule 'cxx:CycleBetweenPackages' (#734)
- Parsing issues: template-parameter / std::enable_if<...>::type (#733)
- expression parser errors (#728)
- Fix integration tests for SQ 5.2/5.3+ (#721)
- CxxVCppBuildLogParser does not detect absolute path (#711)
- parser error during marco resolving (#705)
- Travis build for Java 7 failing (#700)
- Preprocessor #if code incorrect (#678, #692)
- Failure to parse Botan header file Botan/build/include/botan/buf_comp.h (#673)
- Update Center links are incorrect (#670)
- variadic macros - no argument for ellipsis creates preprocessor parser (#605)
- C++ grammar refactoring (#593, #743)
- improve FunctionNameCheck and MethodNameCheck (#798)
- fix href for Get-test-execution-metrics (#765)
- activate naming checks (#763)
- correct search order of dirs specified via 'sonar.cxx.includeDirectories' (#748)
- try to fix broken Travis build for Java 7 (#746)
- Add documentation node searching for template alias declaration (#739)
- Reintroduce typeid keyword (#737)
- fix rule CycleBetweenPackages Sqale remediation parameters (#735)
- fix macro parameter replacement (#709, #708)
- add sonar log file content to Travis log after failure (#702)
- variadic macros: no argument for ellipsis creates preprocessor parser error (#701)
- improved multi module support (#695)
- remove final and override from keyword list (#675)
Know Issues
For an up to date list of known issues see the issue tracker
Thanks ....
go to all contributors (in alphabetical order):
... and all people which were active on the issue tracker!