github Solarint/SAIN v3.2.1-Release
SAIN 3.2.1 for SPT 310+

2 months ago

Virus Total Results
There is still 1 false positive and "Antiy-AVL" thinks SAIN is "pornware".

Reworked Bot Suppression.

  1. Added New Tier System for how much bots are suppressed. Old: Suppressed / Heavy Suppressed. New: Light, Medium, Heavy, Extreme
  2. Bots get Light Suppression from almost any bullet flying by them.
  3. Increased the effect that suppression has on bot stats.
  4. Add Suppression Amp to boost suppression received when bullets are very close to a bot's head.
  5. Suppression now depends on the caliber of bullet being fired at the bot. Big Boolet = much more scary.
  6. Added extensive config options for suppression (Global Settings => Mind) Most are marked as Advanced Settings. All new settings have full tooltips to explain the system.
  7. Added Suppression Resistance for Personality and BotType configs. It is not yet pre-configured, so no bots will have resistance by default.
  8. Configuring each tier of suppression is possible by editing the GlobalSettings.json in a custom preset. No GUI for it yet.
  9. Added Hearing Distance Multiplier to Suppression Effects

Added Extensive New Config Options

  1. Everything is configurable for bot hearing.
  2. Added Toggle in GlobalSettings => Shoot to force bots to only use semi auto if desired. (Defaults to off)
  3. Added toggles for each bot type and global toggles for different movement options for bots. So you can disable lean, vault, jump, pose adjustment, and prone globally or for specific bot types.
  4. Added Power Level Options to Global Settings, these control how different things about a bot affect their power level score, and in return what personality they are allowed to use.
  5. Added Time and Weather config options for vision and hearing.
  6. Added several new advanced config options for bot steering.
  7. Added config option to change what personality bosses are assigned. (Found in GlobalSettings.json in a custom preset, no GUI yet)

GUI Reworks

  1. Settings menu is now more condensed to allow more options.
  2. Slight adjustments to the dimensions of everything to improve readability and consistency.
  3. Added Toggle on the top bar to enable/disable advanced settings.
  4. Added a ton of new descriptions and proper names for config values. Almost all global settings have explanations now.

General Improvements

  1. Added .json file to match nicknames with specific personalities. (Generated on game launch when sain is installed)
  2. Enable Extract Global now swaps between SAIN extract and Vanilla extract systems. Defaults to Vanilla.
  3. Bots now have more difficulty hearing suppressed gunfire.
  4. Bots now sprint when possible when under fire by someone shooting from long range. (Can be toggled in Global Settings => Mind.


  1. Fixed some vanilla combat layers still being active for PMC AI.
  2. Fixed guns not firing if returning from a raid and entering the shooting range.
  3. Fixed Bot hearing not being affected by stun/flash grenades.
  4. Disabled several loggers from activating unless SAIN Debug Mode is enabled.
  5. Fixed SAIN Server mod showing incorrect version.

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