github Snowflake-Labs/terraform-provider-snowflake v0.78.0

latest releases: v0.98.0, v0.97.0, v0.96.0...
11 months ago

Release notes v0.78.0

We're still in the process of designing and redesigning grant resources and data sources. Stay tuned for published docs, changes in grants, and new grant resources. if you want to, you can still give us your feedback on granting ownership - here.

For some time we are more responsive in the GitHub issues and provide fixes for some of them. We also have a dedicated Epic for the GitHub issues to provide a standardized process for handling existing and newly created issues.

In the meantime, we're pushing SDK rewrite to make the provider stable to come closer to version 1.0.0.

🎉 What's new:

🐛 Bug fixes:

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