github Skyscanner/turbolift 3.1.0

latest release: 3.1.1
3 months ago


Add file output to foreach command @rnorth (#141)

When running turbolift foreach there are several frequent use cases that were more difficult than they should have been:

  • reviewing the logs on a per-repo basis - logs were previously only in one giant scrollback
  • reviewing just failure or just success logs
  • (very often) gathering the names of the repos where the command succeeded or failed - for example, when running foreach to run tests

Now turbolift foreach:

  • Creates a temp directory each time it's run, which will likely exist until system reboot
  • In that directory creates the following structure, where org/repo/logs.txt is repeated for every repository (mirroring the structure of the work directory):
   \ successful
       \ repos.txt        # a list of repos where the command succeeded
       \ org
           \ repo
               \ logs.txt # logs from the specific foreach execution on this repo
   \ failed
       \ repos.txt        # a list of repos where the command succeeded
       \ org
           \ repo
               \ logs.txt # logs from the specific foreach execution on this repo

Some notable points:

  • the emitted repos.txt files are suitable for replay back into turbolift using the -r option
  • we don't stop the current logging to terminal output - this is mainly for backwards compatibility

Other changes

  • Bump golangci/golangci-lint-action from 6.0.1 to 6.1.0 @dependabot (#142)
  • fix(clone): provide helpful message when fork conflicts cause an error @Dan7-7-7 (#139)

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