5.5.0 - 2020-07-31:
- Revised Weather Meter for latest JSON includes, minor bug fixes, and performance improvements.
- Enhanced Weather Meter to include Catalan, Dutch, and Korean translations.
- Corrected Weather Meter Polish translations. (Thanks tepiloxtl!)
- Corrected Drives Meter issue where the label for newly-inserted USB drives was not clickable.
- Corrected Network Meters for issue where the peak speed would not show values over 1 Gbps.
- Enhanced All CPU Meter to work around an issue with certain AMD Ryzen CPUs not properly reporting clock speed. This change means the clock speed shown will now match what is shown in Windows Task Manager and HWiNFO, and not just show the base clock of your CPU.
- Added additional tooltips to all Gadgets.
- Revised for Rainmeter 4.4.0.
While using Rainmeter 4.3.1 is acceptable, it is highly recommended to first install Rainmeter 4.4.0 (beta or later) for the best Gadgets upgrade experience.