github SillyTavern/SillyTavern 1.12.1

latest releases: 1.12.3, 1.12.2
24 days ago

SillyTavern 1.12.1


  • Node 18 or later is now required to run SillyTavern.
  • The latest tag for GHCR containers now points to the latest release branch push.


  • Text Generation WebUI: added DRY sampling controls.
  • TabbyAPI: added speculative ngram, skew sampling, and repetition decay controls. Now supports multi-swipe mode.
  • KoboldCpp: added repetition penalty slope control.
  • Google MakerSuite: added custom API URL control. Enabled image inlining for Gemini Flash.
  • Added new models for Cohere and MistralAI. Removed deprecated models from Perplexity.


  • Improved sanitation of message-embedded styles.
  • Setting and chat backups are now created in a user-specific folder.
  • Character Cards: first message content is no longer required.
  • Added import of V3 cards characters (PNG, JSON, CHARX). The internal format is still V2.
  • Added characters import from RisuRealm via the external content import dialog.
  • MovingUI now tries to automatically adjust to the resized window instead of resetting to the default position.
  • Markdown: simplified requirements for sublist nesting, can now use any number of spaces. Enabled markdown strikethrough syntax.
  • Macros: {{pick}} and {{random}} can escape commas with a backslash if using a comma as a separator.
  • Data Bank: added bulk edit mode. Markdown imports now preserve formatting.
  • Personas: added in-chat position for descriptions.
  • World Info: restyled global activation settings. Check for world names overlap on import or creation.
  • Preserve itemized prompts history for chat branches and checkpoints.
  • Added a framework for extension authors to use LLM function calling. See the documentation: Function Calling.
  • Various localization updates.


  • Added new extensions to the assets list: Screen Share and Prompt Inspector.
  • Image Generation: added Seed and CLIP skip controls for supported backends. Added decrisper control for NovelAI and upscale control for DrawThings. Added scheduler selector for AUTO1111.
  • Image Generation: square brackets, curly braces, and underlines are no longer removed from generated prompts.
  • Image Generation: character-specific prompt prefixes can be saved to shareable card data.
  • Vector Storage: added Ollama and llama.cpp as embedding sources. Added score threshold and chunk overlap settings. Corrupted vector indices are now automatically regenerated.
  • TTS: added Azure TTS and GPT-SoVits Inference providers.
  • Speech Recognition: added KoboldCpp provider. Added hotkey/push-to-talk and voice activity detection modes.
  • Web Search: added regex-activated search query triggers.
  • Top Bar: added quick past chat selection dropdown.


  • Added a set of commands for Data Bank management. Refer to the in-app documentation for more information.
  • Added a set of commands for tag management.
  • Added ephemeral option for /inject command to set a one-time prompt.
  • /api commands returns the current API name if no arguments are provided.
  • Added /translate command to translate arbitrary text.
  • Added /rename-char command to rename a current character.
  • /flushinject command can now clear a single prompt by its ID. Pass no arguments to flush all prompts.
  • Added /yt-script command for YouTube video script downloading.
  • Updated /ask command to use a new syntax similar to /sendas.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed chat translations not applying on message edit.
  • Fixed click-to-edit triggering in single document mode if selecting message text.
  • Fixed Chess comment prompt getting stuck in the prompt injects list.
  • Fixed interaction of zoomed avatars and moving UI.
  • Fixed interaction between WI regex keys and global case-insensitive mode.
  • Fixed punycode module deprecation warning.
  • Fixed Image Generation interactive mode trigger being too loose.
  • Fixed deletion of corrupted WI files.
  • Fixed Kobold Horde API domains.

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Full Changelog: 1.12.0...1.12.1

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