github SignTools/SignTools v2.3.3

latest releases: v3.0.3, v3.0.2, v3.0.1...
2 years ago

2.3.3 (2021-05-22)


URL handling has been reworked to better accommodate all the possible ways to use this service

Relative URLs are now used wherever possible. This means that if you access the service on a local IP, all links should remain on that IP. Likewise, using a tunnel or proxy will stay there even if a local IP is set for server_url. This should make the service a lot more tolerant to proxies and tunnels. The server_url setting is now only used to set the URL used by the builder to reach the server. It must be known prior to any connections and must stay static to prevent weird race conditions. Also, if you use a tunnel provider such as ngrok or cloudflared, your server_url will be automatically set, even if you have a self-hosted builder.

HTTPS redirection is now opt-in via the redirect_https setting

This should, again, improve support for certain deployment scenarios. It is still forced on Heroku to ensure security.

The install button will now be disabled (grayed out) if the service is reached over HTTP.

Apple only allows OTA installation over HTTPS, so this is a nice heads up instead of your iPhone just giving you an error.

Verbose builder logging has been enabled by default

It was historically disabled to prevent the very hypothetical leak of private data if you made your builder PUBLIC, but it also made problem hunting very tedious. Since all guides tell you to use a PRIVATE builder and diagnosing problems is important, verbose logging is now enabled by default. The logs only remain inside your builder, they are not shared anywhere. Just make sure your builder is PRIVATE.

Bug Fixes

  • don't enable install button unless https (89cfb59)
  • make url handling simpler and more robust (4dcf214)

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