github SigmaHQ/sigma r2024-03-26
Release r2024-03-26

latest releases: r2024-07-17, r2024-05-13, r2024-04-29...
4 months ago

New Rules

  • new: CVE-2024-1212 Exploitation - Progress Kemp LoadMaster Unauthenticated Command Injection
  • new: Certificate-Based Authentication Enabled
  • new: Container With A hostPath Mount Created
  • new: Creation Of Pod In System Namespace
  • new: Deployment Deleted From Kubernetes Cluster
  • new: Kubernetes Events Deleted
  • new: Kubernetes Secrets Enumeration
  • new: MaxMpxCt Registry Value Changed
  • new: New Kubernetes Service Account Created
  • new: New Root Certificate Authority Added
  • new: Potential KamiKakaBot Activity - Lure Document Execution
  • new: Potential KamiKakaBot Activity - Shutdown Schedule Task Creation
  • new: Potential KamiKakaBot Activity - Winlogon Shell Persistence
  • new: Potential Remote Command Execution In Pod Container
  • new: Potential Sidecar Injection Into Running Deployment
  • new: Privileged Container Deployed
  • new: RBAC Permission Enumeration Attempt
  • new: Remote Access Tool - Team Viewer Session Started On Linux Host
  • new: Remote Access Tool - Team Viewer Session Started On MacOS Host
  • new: Remote Access Tool - Team Viewer Session Started On Windows Host
  • new: Service Binary in User Controlled Folder

Updated Rules

  • update: Add Port Monitor Persistence in Registry - Update logic to avoid hardcoded HKLM values
  • update: CVE-2020-1048 Exploitation Attempt - Suspicious New Printer Ports - Registry - Add more entries to increase coverage and update metadata information
  • update: Capture Credentials with Rpcping.exe - Update rule to use the windash modifier
  • update: Change Winevt Channel Access Permission Via Registry - Update logic to avoid hardcoded HKLM values
  • update: Changing Existing Service ImagePath Value Via Reg.EXE - Update rule to use the windash modifier
  • update: Communication To Uncommon Destination Ports - Add link-local address range
  • update: Default RDP Port Changed to Non Standard Port - Update logic to avoid hardcoded HKLM values
  • update: Dfsvc.EXE Network Connection To Non-Local IPs - Update rule to use cidr modifier
  • update: Disable Administrative Share Creation at Startup - Update logic to avoid hardcoded HKLM values
  • update: Disable Microsoft Defender Firewall via Registry - Update logic to avoid hardcoded HKLM values
  • update: Disable Windows Event Logging Via Registry - Update logic to avoid hardcoded HKLM values
  • update: Diskshadow Script Mode Execution - Update rule to use the windash modifier
  • update: Displaying Hidden Files Feature Disabled - Update logic to avoid hardcoded HKLM values
  • update: DllUnregisterServer Function Call Via Msiexec.EXE - Update rule to use the windash modifier
  • update: Exports Critical Registry Keys To a File - Update rule to use the windash modifier
  • update: Exports Registry Key To a File - Update rule to use the windash modifier
  • update: FlowCloud Registry Marker - Update logic to avoid hardcoded HKLM values
  • update: IIS Native-Code Module Command Line Installation - Update rule to use the windash modifier
  • update: Imports Registry Key From a File - Update rule to use the windash modifier
  • update: Imports Registry Key From an ADS - Update rule to use the windash modifier
  • update: Kernel Memory Dump Via LiveKD - Update rule to use the windash modifier
  • update: Loaded Module Enumeration Via Tasklist.EXE - Update rule to use the windash modifier
  • update: Microsoft Sync Center Suspicious Network Connections - Add link-local address range
  • update: Msiexec Quiet Installation - Update rule to use the windash modifier
  • update: Network Connection Initiated By PowerShell Process - Update rule to use cidr modifier
  • update: New PortProxy Registry Entry Added - Update logic to avoid hardcoded HKLM values
  • update: Office Application Initiated Network Connection To Non-Local IP - Update rule to use cidr modifier
  • update: Outbound Network Connection To Public IP Via Winlogon - Add link-local address range
  • update: Potential Arbitrary Command Execution Using Msdt.EXE - Update rule to use the windash modifier
  • update: Potential CVE-2023-23397 Exploitation Attempt - SMB - Update rule to use cidr modifier
  • update: Potential CobaltStrike Service Installations - Registry - Update logic to avoid hardcoded HKLM values
  • update: Potential Execution of Sysinternals Tools - Update rule to use the windash modifier
  • update: Potential LSASS Process Dump Via Procdump - Update rule to use the windash modifier
  • update: Potential Regsvr32 Commandline Flag Anomaly - Update rule to use the windash modifier
  • update: Potentially Suspicious CMD Shell Output Redirect - Enhance logic
  • update: Potentially Suspicious Malware Callback Communication - Add link-local address range
  • update: Potentially Suspicious Wuauclt Network Connection - Update rule to use cidr modifier
  • update: Publicly Accessible RDP Service - Add link-local address range
  • update: RDP Over Reverse SSH Tunnel - Update rule to use cidr modifier
  • update: Register New IFiltre For Persistence - Update logic to avoid hardcoded HKLM values
  • update: Registry Persistence via Service in Safe Mode - Update logic to avoid hardcoded HKLM values
  • update: Replace.exe Usage - Update rule to use the windash modifier
  • update: Run Once Task Configuration in Registry - Update logic to avoid hardcoded HKLM values
  • update: Rundll32 Internet Connection - Add link-local address range
  • update: Script Initiated Connection to Non-Local Network - Update rule to use cidr modifier
  • update: Search-ms and WebDAV Suspicious Indicators in URL - Add link-local address range
  • update: Security Support Provider (SSP) Added to LSA Configuration - Update logic to avoid hardcoded HKLM values
  • update: ServiceDll Hijack - Update logic to avoid hardcoded HKLM values
  • update: Suspicious Cabinet File Execution Via Msdt.EXE - Update rule to use the windash modifier
  • update: Suspicious Command Patterns In Scheduled Task Creation - Enhance logic
  • update: Suspicious DNS Query for IP Lookup Service APIs - Add new domains
  • update: Suspicious DNS Query for IP Lookup Service APIs - Fix
  • update: Suspicious Msiexec Execute Arbitrary DLL - Update rule to use the windash modifier
  • update: Suspicious Msiexec Quiet Install From Remote Location - Update rule to use the windash modifier
  • update: Suspicious Network Connection to IP Lookup Service APIs - Add new domains
  • update: Suspicious Network Connection to IP Lookup Service APIs - Fix
  • update: Suspicious Response File Execution Via Odbcconf.EXE - Update rule to use the windash modifier
  • update: Sysmon Configuration Update - Update rule to use the windash modifier
  • update: Sysmon Driver Altitude Change - Update logic to avoid hardcoded HKLM values
  • update: Uncommon Outbound Kerberos Connection - Security - Update filter to include device type paths and reduce the level to "medium"
  • update: Uncommon Outbound Kerberos Connection - Update filters to include tomcat and reduce the level to "medium"
  • update: Uninstall Sysinternals Sysmon - Update rule to use the windash modifier
  • update: WebDav Put Request - Update rule to use cidr modifier
  • update: Windows Defender Service Disabled - Registry - Update logic to avoid hardcoded HKLM values

Removed / Deprecated Rules

  • remove: Adwind RAT / JRAT - Registry
  • remove: Service Binary in Uncommon Folder

Fixed Rules

  • fix: EVTX Created In Uncommon Location - Reduce level and remove filters
  • fix: Files With System Process Name In Unsuspected Locations - Add additional paths
  • fix: Microsoft VBA For Outlook Addin Loaded Via Outlook - Fix incorrect use of "modifier"
  • fix: New RUN Key Pointing to Suspicious Folder
  • fix: New TimeProviders Registered With Uncommon DLL Name - Add new legitimate entry to avoid FPs


Thanks to @cyb3rjy0t, @frack113, @joshnck, @LAripping , @nasbench, @phantinuss, @security-companion, @xiangchen96, @X-Junior for their contribution to this release

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