github Shuffle/Shuffle 0.9.25
0.9.25 - MSSP introduction

latest releases: 1.1.0, 1.0.0
2 years ago

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🚀 Features 🚀

Added initial CI/CD handlers
Fixed workflow view issues, and added workflow listing
Updated Opensearch to 1.1.0
Removed necessity for max_memory setting with Opensearch
Updated App SDK to handle LiquidPy with latest version
Added Oauth2 auth, both with and without App Creator
Added Gmail and Outlook triggers
Merged cgroup v2 compatibility issues
Added documentation popup for apps
Added file namespaces and download option for them (e.g. for Yara, Snort, other rule systems)
Added Webhook parser for Params to JSON to be used in workflows
Added start of a text editor within Workflows
Added resizer for right-side view in Workflow
Added startnode button for nodes in UI
Added suborgs and swapping (MSSP)
Added App Auth encryption possibility with environment variable (MSSP)
Added Single Signon possibility (MSSP)
Added basic Helm chart for K8s usage
Added notifications for failure of workflows (in UI, start workflow & email)
A new documentation UI

🕷️ Bugfixes 🕷️
LOOOADS - Too many to count, hidden inbetween new features 100

📖 Resources 📖
Loads of updated info in our documentation

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