- Use CHANGELOG.md for release description (#306, @miry)
- Dependency updates in #294 introduced a breaking change in CLI argument parsing.
Now flags must be specified before arguments.
Previously, arguments could be specified prior to flags.
Update usage help text and documentation. (#308, @miry) - Run e2e tests to validate the command line and basic features of server,
client and application (#309, @miry) - Add /v2 suffix to module import path (#311, @dnwe)
- Setup automated checking source code for security vulnerabilities (#312, @miry)
- Setup code linter (#314, @miry)
- Max line length is 100 characters (#316, @miry)
- Linter to check whether HTTP response body is closed successfully (#317, @miry)
- Make sure the function are not big (#318, @miry)
- Extract client flags specs to seprate methods.
Introduce a new way to manage toxics withToxicOptions
sturcture (#321, @miry) - Split
to multiple small (#322, @miry) - Extract initializetion of fake upstream server to test helper (#323, @miry)
- Support a list of well knonwn linters (#326, @miry)
- Extract client flags specs to seprate methods.
if it is set (#319, @maaslalani)- Run benchmarks in CI/CD (#320, @miry)
- Use scratch docker base image instead of alpine (#325, @miry)
Docker images
docker pull ghcr.io/shopify/toxiproxy:2.1.6