github Shopify/polaris v8.0.0

latest releases: @shopify/polaris@13.4.0, @shopify/polaris-icons@9.1.0, @shopify/polaris@13.3.0...
2 years ago

Breaking changes

  • Update the base font size to 100% from 62.5% and update rem values accordingly, along with pxtorem rootValue (#4794)


  • Removed _SECRET_INTERNAL_FilterControl and _SECRET_INTERNAL_FilterControlProps exports. These exports have been deprecated since Polaris v5 and are not part of our stable API, which is why we are removing them in a minor release. (#4905)

Migrating from < v8.0.0


Node 16 is now a requirement to run the styleguide

Change to root font size

If your app is using hard coded rems, you'll need to change those to use the rem() function exported from @shopify/polaris/build/styles/public-api.

1.6rem would become rem(16px)
32rem would become rem(320px)

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