github Shopify/polaris @shopify/polaris@10.36.0

Minor Changes

  • #8555 696473b82 Thanks @clarkjennings! - Added a forward ref to permit programmatic scrolling for Scrollable (example: scrollRef.current?.scrollTo(0))

  • #8650 078cf9aea Thanks @kyledurand! - Deprecated breadcrumbs prop on SkeletonPage, added backAction prop with story

  • #8586 83bde8690 Thanks @tatianau! - Made hiding the stepper arrows for inputs of type "number" and revealing them on hover and focus the default TextField behaviour to mimic the default browser experience

  • #8288 d27a361c2 Thanks @rcd00! - Updated the style of keyboard component and add optional size prop

  • #8600 515a62f3b Thanks @kyledurand! - Fixed list reset class from not applying to ordered lists

  • #8655 fb373c3e1 Thanks @stewx! - Adjust CSS for expanded navigation section to remove unwanted space during collapse/expand

Patch Changes

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