github Shopify/polaris @shopify/polaris-tokens@6.1.0

latest releases: @shopify/polaris@13.9.1, @shopify/polaris@13.9.0, @shopify/polaris@13.8.1...
2 years ago

Minor Changes

Patch Changes

  • #7239 8626d6a1b Thanks @BPScott! - Increase $p-breakpoint-*-{down,only} breakpoint max-width values by 0.01px so that they are representable in fewer digits of precision when expressed as ems. This ensures they are representable without rounding when using node-sass's default precision. E.g. $p-breakpoints-md-downchanges from max-width: 47.996875em to max-width: 47.9975em.

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