github Set-OutlookSignatures/Set-OutlookSignatures v4.11.0
Release v4.11.0

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4 months ago

v4.11.0 - 2024-03-26

Some features are exclusive to the commercial Benefactor Circle add-on
See .\docs\Benefactor Circle or for details about these features and how you can benefit from them with a Benefactor Circle license.

Attention, cloud mailbox users:
See What about the roaming signatures feature in Exchange Online? in .\docs\README for details on how this feature works. Set-OutlookSignatures supports cloud roaming signatures - see MirrorLocalSignaturesToCloud in .\docs\README for details.


  • Updated sample templates
  • Authentication against SharePoint document libraries containing templates or INI files has been adapted to Microsoft API changes not yet documented
  • ExplicIT Consulting's code signing certificate is now added to existing certificates. This increases security as you can now easily check that, for example, the DLL files of the dependency Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) are the original files published by Microsoft.


  • New parameter MailboxSpecificSignatureNames. By setting the MailboxSpecificSignatureNames parameter to true, the e-mail address of the current mailbox is added to the name of the signature - instead of a single Signature A file, Set-OutlookSignatures can create a separate signature file for each mailbox: Signature A (, Signature A (, etc. See.\docs\README for details.
  • When MirrorLocalSignaturesToCloud is enabled,
    • download signatures not only from the current user's mailbox, but from all mailboxes where possible (full access with current user's credentials, due to Microsoft restrictions)
    • upload personal signatures to Exchange Online mailbox of logged-on user right after they have been created and before they are even copied to a local signature path, avoiding a race condition with the internal download schedule of Outlook
  • Always use the most recent TLS version available and supported for communication with Microsoft services


  • DeleteUserCreatedSignatures, DeleteScriptCreatedSignaturesWithoutTemplate and AdditionalSignaturePath now handle folder and file names with special characters ($'‘’‚‛) correctly
  • Check for PowerShell Full Language mode before checking for new versions to avoid an error message without a hint to the root cause
  • When an Outlook profile is available, set default signatures no matter if current mailbox is a dummy mailbox or not
  • Correctly handle INI files not containing SortOrder or SortCulture information

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