See full release notes on
Code name: Sultans
Business Continuity Management
The documentation for the Business Continuity Management (BCM) can be made. Both the German BSI standard 200-4 1.CD and ISO 22301:2019 have been implemented. Core processes can be identified, criticality data can be recorded, failure scenarios can be defined, and relevant systems can be specified for restart. The new features can be found in the familiar IT baseline protection and ISM perspective, so it is possible to benefit from data that has already been collected and to use the synergies between ISMS and BCMS. Numerous enhancements have been made to the following target objects:
- Information Network / Scope
- Documents
- Person
- Business Process / Processes
- Target objects (Application, IT system, ICS system, Device, Network, Room Group) / Assets
- Modules / Controls
- Safeguards / Requirements
Reporting enhancements
- Output of multiple reports at once: Multiple reports can be selected at once. These are generated and output one after the other in the desired storage directory.
- Classification of reports: When creating reports, the classification of the reports can be set. This classification is displayed in the report header on each page. By default, four levels are predefined, but these can be adjusted and extended according to the requirements (under the settings).
Detail changes
- The startup message has been updated.
- On the Welcome screen, the entry point for BSI IT-Grundschutz after 100-x has been removed. However, the perspective is still available and can still be used.
- The Audit Report has been revised so that all information from the audit is now output.
- Links between business processes and rooms are possible.
- In the Link-Maker it is now possible to search and sort not only by title but also by identifier, parent target object and scope.
- The Imported Objects are no longer sorted by alphabet, but are always listed first.
- Adjustments and enhancements to the Tutorials.
- Improvements to the External Links View.
Bug fixes
- In report A.1 Structure analysis dependencies all linked elements are now output.
- In report A.3 Modeling, the correct number of blocks of communication connections is output in the table "Overview: List of blocks used".
- In report A.4 Basic protection check, the implementation date (implementation by) is now also output if not derived from measure.
- In the report Report form BSIG8b IS (ISO and basic protection) small inconsistencies have been corrected.
- In the report Statement of applicability the elements are sorted by abbreviation.
- The link direction can be changed again afterwards.
- Fixing an error when copying with links for many elements.
- Sorting in the consolidator is now possible.
- In the ISM perspective, elements are sorted by abbreviation.
- Performance improvements in inheritance from protection requirement and module referencing.
- A total of four security improvements have been made.
- Fix for a bug in v.Designer.
- The inheritance of icons now works properly.
- Deletion using keyboard shortcuts is prevented for read-only catalog items.
- Removing HTML tags when sending mail from tasks.
- The VDS_ISA_Audit tag has been removed for the Audit handling element.
- A Local Admin now only sees the account groups he created in the account settings.
- Adjustment of Access rights for VNA and CSV import.
- Modeling of blocks on a read-only information compound is prevented from now on.
- Adjustments to Consolidator so that read-only information federations and elements can no longer be modified.