github Securepoint/openvpn-client 2.0.43
Securepoint OpenVPN 2.0.43

4 months ago

Security: OpenVPN update to version 2.6.12 and OpenSSL update to 3.0.15
Bugfix: Update of the deprecated OpenVPN option “--ns-cert-type” to “--remote-cert-tls”
Security Bugfix: Solved the issue of password remaining as cleartext in memory for some unknown amount of time (CWE 316
Most cases are covered, but in some rare cases the password remains in memory for a short time, i.e. Windows / QT-Framework may store copies of the password in the memory. This is classified as a known issue.

Please read the important security changes in 2.0.33 release.

Important msi installer note!
If you do the install by using the msi installer it is all-important to specify the property CWINVERSION as msiexec argument which specify the windows version.

Two values are possible:


This property controls the installation of the tap driver. If no property is specified the tap driver for Windows 10 will be installed!

Example(en, Windows 7, executed in an administrative shell):
msiexec /qn /i openvpn-client-installer-2.0.43.msi TRANSFORMS=":en-us.mst" CWINVERSION=7

For further examples please see the msi-installer-examples-2.0.43 file.

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