Security: OpenSSL update (CVE-2022-0778)
Security: OpenVPN update (CVE-2022-0547)
Bugfix: Fixing import of utm roadwarrior configurations
Bugfix: Fixing import of ovpn-files with special characters
Bugfix: Fixing import of ovpn-files with tls-crypt keyword
Please read the important security changes in 2.0.33 release.
Important msi installer note!
If you do the install by using the msi installer it is all-important to specify the property CWINVERSION as msiexec argument which specify the windows version.
Two values are possible:
This property controls the installation of the tap driver. If no property is specified the tap driver for Windows 10 will be installed!
Example(en, Windows 10):
msiexec /qn /i openvpn-client-installer-2.0.37.msi TRANSFORMS=":en-us.mst" CWINVERSION=10
For further examples please see the msi-installer-examples-2.0.37 file.