github SecondSonConsulting/Renew v1.3

27 days ago

v1.3 Change Log

New Features

  • New Default Behavior: Clicking the Dialog notification will initiate the restart window
    • This can be disabled in the profile with new OptionalArguments boolean key set to false: NotificationActionEnabled [#81]
  • Renew will now look for a configuration plist file located at /Library/Preferences/com.secondsonconsulting.renew.plist
    • An MDM profile takes precedence over a plist configuration file.
  • Language support for Dutch (nl)
  • Renew can now be used with a plist file OR a mobileconfig
    • If a mobile configuration file is not found, Renew will check for a configuration file in this location: /Library/Preferences/com.secondsonconsulting.renew.plist
    • You can still use iMazing Profile Editor to make this plist, just choose "Payload > Export as Plist"
    • Huge thanks to @drtaru for adding this feature.
  • Admins can now choose additional applications to ignore assertions.
    • Huge thanks to @drtaru for adding this feature.
    • If you don't want to respect a display sleep assertion for an application, you can add that application to an OptionalArguments:IgnoreAssertions array in your configuration file.
    • The default assertions to ignore will still be used as well (obs caffeinate Amphetamine)
    • Use pmset -g to see what applications are using assertions as well as how to ignore them.


  • Argument Processing rewritten
    • Use --help to see a list of all arguments and exit codes. Also documented here:
    • --version now prints only the script version and exits with no logs and no other output
    • Multiple arguments are now supported. It is up to the operator to ensure conflicting arguments are not passed
      • --verbose --force-normal --dryrun is valid
      • --verbose --force-normal --force-notification is invalid, and will result in undefined behavior
    • --verboseor -v enables set -x for verbose troubleshooting output
    • --dryrun argument now does not process a deferral as well as disabling Restart prompt
    • --deadline argument now sets the deadline to the provided value for testing
      • Example: ./ --deadline 66 will set the deadline to 66 days uptime
    • --print-configuration option will print the configuration file and exit
    • --configuration /path/to/renew.plist allows you to specify a plist file you wish to use as the configuration for that run.
      • This is intended for use in testing, though, there's nothing stopping you from using this option with a LaunchAgent or from your management tool
      • This argument overrides any MDM profile or configuration file for that run
    • --language followed by a language code will allow you to test Renew behavior for different languages (i.e. --language nl would use Dutch)
    • --help is now more reliable. Thanks @aschwanb
  • We've added language support for Dutch (nl) thanks to DevliegereM and improved the German translation thanks to @ConstantinLorenz
  • Renew no longer processes deferrals/events if the system has been idle from human input for over 60 minutes
  • If the same program has multiple display sleep assertions (like caffeinate running twice or more), Renew will now properly ignore them if they're on the IgnoreAssertions list.
    • Thanks again to @drtaru for this improvement.


  • Renew is now published under the MIT open-source license
  • All log messages are now also written to standard output
  • Log messages are more useful in determinig what logic is being applied and why
  • Debug messages now only visible in verbose mode, and not tied to --dryrun option
  • Fixed issues with --deadline argument:

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