github ScratMan/HASmartThermostat 2023.1.0

latest releases: keep_alive_fix, 2024.6.1, 2024.6.0...
17 months ago

Best wishes for the new year

Breaking Change

The pid_p, pid_i, pid_d and pid_e attributes are now removed from the extra state attributes of the thermostat to avoid overloading the HA database. To bring them back if needed, for example for tuning the themostat, please add the debug: true parameter to the YAML configuration and either restart HA or use the smart_thermostat.reload service.

What's Changed

  • Remove redundant spaces in config example ( by @vertexodessa in #98
  • Reload service for entity is available again. Closes #92
  • Preset can be disabled with set_preset_temp service
  • Autotuner will only start if valid rule is selected. Setting autotune: "off" will lead to autotune remaining off, not starting in endless loop. Closes #102
  • Trial to make the thermostat compatible with valves using 0 to 100% values when setting pwm: 0. Please report issues. #14
  • Thermostat now force the heater switch state when it's OFF, ensuring the heater remains under control. Closes #84
  • Extra state attributes Kp, Ki and Kp are now lowercase. Closes #106

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2022.2.1...2023.1.0

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