github Schniz/fnm v1.38.0

8 hours ago

Minor Changes

  • #1265 186e4bb Thanks @Schniz! - enable --resolve-engines by default. out of experimental phase.

    to disable it, add a --resolve-engines=false flag, and make sure to open an issue describing why.
    It might feel like a breaking change but .nvmrc and .node-version have precedence so it should not.

    I am all in favor of better experience and I believe supporting engines.node is a good direction.

Patch Changes

  • #1310 9273981 Thanks @Schniz! - make github releases of macos to be a universal macos executable (both m1 and x64) as github changed the workers to be m1

  • #1277 12cf977 Thanks @deanshub! - Having install and uninstall aliases

  • #1318 65f7a22 Thanks @Schniz! - better error handling for malformed json

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