This update includes some new features and bug fixes.
🎉 New Features and Features
- Support for editing audio files outside the library.
- Support for further customizations when downloading song metadata from the internet.
- Support for folder blacklisting and improvements for song blacklisting.
- Added an indicator to show whether an artist is liked or not.
- Added new keyboard shortcuts to go to forward and backward pages and to change the app theme.
- New BlacklistFolderConfirmPrompt and improvements for BlacklistSongConfirmPrompt.
- Support for audio seeking or changing the volume through mouse scrolling by hovering over the seek bar and the volume bar.
- Support for caching song data played from outside the library to improve performance when playing them again in the same session.
🔨 Fixes and Improvements
- Improvements for error handling related to network requests.
- Removed Backlisted Songs section in the Settings Page.
- Fixed a bug where Mini Player shows un-scrollable unsynchronized lyrics.
- Fixed a bug where artworks without a 1:1 aspect ratio break the alignment of how the songs are displayed.
- Added a new sort option for SongsPage and FoldersPage to sort blacklisted and whitelisted folders and songs.
- Fixed a bug where temp artworks aren't getting cleaned up after the app closes.
- Fixed a bug where artists aren't being sorted properly.
- Fixed some bugs where some pages not updating their contents according to data events.
- Fixed a bug where removing a song doesn't trigger 'playlists' and 'genres' data events.
- Fixed a bug where some artist sort options aren't working as expected.
- Fixed a bug where toggling 'like song' in Song or SongCard doesn't get updated in the currentSongData and vice versa.
- Fixed a bug where Artist not showing the default artist cover when there is no artwork for an artist.
- Fixed a bug where FoldersPage doesn't get updated when a song gets deleted or added.
- Fixed a bug where online lyrics are not being saved to the audio file.
- Fixed a bug where some pages like HomePage, and CurrentQueuePage not updating songs when a song gets blacklisted.
- Reduced image file sizes by using them in webp format.
- Removed change theme button on the title bar.
- Updated Musixmatch Lyrics Disclaimer.
🐜 Known Issues and Bugs
- Sometimes users can get unexpected search results when using Search.
- App theme will be changed when you change your system's theme even though you didn't select to use the system theme in the app.
- If a song is added next to the last song of the queue, the last song won't be played.
- Sometimes adding a song to play next would only add it to the queue instead of adding it next to the current song.