github SamClassicPatch/SuperProject 1.9.2
1.9.2 patch

one day ago

This patch includes a few useful features, mainly for the in-game menu interface.

Check out the FAQ and the setup instructions before playing, as well as the rest of the wiki for the new commands and such!

Changes since 1.9.1

Common changes

  • Allowed toggling input patches that implement proper controller support with a global config property (ExtendedInput property).
  • Allowed forcing a specific seasonal event with a global config property instead of automatically determining it (ForceSeasonalEvent property).

Mod changes

  • Added command for toggling fade-out of ModelHolder2 entities to allow them to be visible at any distance (gfx_bAdjustModelHolderMipFactor command).
  • Extended upper limit of the gfx_fEnvParticlesRange command from 2.0 to 10.0. Use at your own risk.

Game changes

  • Prevented mods from hiding patch options under the Options -> Classics Patch menu if they exclude the entire "Scripts" directory by having it in BaseBrowseExclude.lst for some reason.
  • Made the URL to the mod page be clearly displayed in the message box upon trying to connect to a server that runs a mod that doesn't exist.
  • Added a one-time notification about the current seasonal event when starting the game during its active period.
  • Allowed config options to apply their values in real time using RealTime: property, just like how volume sliders used to work before.
  • Made scrollbars in lists of option values behave more like real GUI scrollbars with proper dragging. The old positioning based on the vertical mouse position now only works when clicking on the empty space around the scrollbar.
  • Added option to replace old "Page Up" and "Page Down" buttons on the left with a proper draggable scrollbar on the right (sam_bModernScrollbars command).

Plugin changes

Local Cheats

  • Synchronized cheat commands between all clients when the server client executes them (all except for cht_Noclip() and cht_iAutoKill).

Known issues


  1. Download desired version of the patch (TFE1.05_<date>.zip or TSE1.07_<date>.zip for Steam).
  2. Navigate to the game folder and extract contents of the ZIP archive into it.
  3. Agree to replace existing files (original unmodified copies of the files are included with an _OG suffix at the end of the name).
  4. (Optional) Download SE1_RevResources.gro and put it in the game folder if you intend on playing Revolution levels without mounting Revolution itself.
  5. (Optional) Download SE1_ClassicsPatch_<language>.gro and put it in the game folder to install desired localization of the patch.

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