The sources configuration has been reworked, please see the README for the new schema
Bug Fixes
- add back undo text edit for accept (f62046a)
- add missing select_and_accept keymap to config (d2140dc)
- always hide window on accept (7f5a3d9)
- auto insert breaking on single line text edit (78ac56e), closes #169
- check if item contains brackets before defering to semantic token (e5f543d)
- config: set correct type def for blink.cmp.WindowBorderChar (516190b)
- don't show completions when trigger context is nil (5b39d83)
- drop prints (89259f9), closes #179
- drop prints (67fa41f)
- frizbee not matching on capital letters (722b41b), closes #162 #173
- fuzzy get query returning extra characters (b2380a0), closes #170 #172 #176
- fuzzy panic on too many items (1e6dcbf)
- handle treesitter get_parser failure (fe68c28), closes #171
- item defaults not being applied (42f8efb), closes #158
- missing access function (d11f271)
- only show autocomplete window on select if auto_show is disabled (fa64556)
- re-enable memory check for now (6b24f48)
- remove debug prints (9846c2d)
- select always triggering when auto_show enabled (db635f2)
- select_and_accept not working with auto_insert (65eb336), closes #118
- signature window no longer overlaps cursor (#149) (7d6b50b)
- single char non-matching keyword (3cb084c), closes #141
- skip treesitter hl on nil lang (cb9397c)
- temporary workaround for insertReplaceEdit (c218faf), closes #178
- typo in (#125) (69ad25f)
- use treesitter.language.get_lang when choosing parser (213fd94), closes #133
- window positioning with folds (819b978), closes #95
- add extra space to ... on normal nerd font (9b9647b)
- add nix build-plugin command, update devShell to not require (32069be)
- auto_show on autocomplete window (#98) (82e03b1)
- config: add ignored filetypes option (#108) (b56a2b1)
- custom documentation highlighting (90d6394), closes #113
- default to not showing in snippet (49b033a), closes #131
- expose reload function for sources (ff1f5fa), closes #28
- expose typo resistance, update frizbee (63b7b22)
- fuzzy: lazy get lua properties (5cc63f0)
- ignore empty fallback_for table (9c9e0cc), closes #122
- ignore some characters at prefix of keyword (569156f), closes #135
- mark buffer completion items as plain text (0f5f484), closes #148
- more robust preview for auto_insert mode (6e15864), closes #117
- notify user on json parsing error for snippets (c5146a5), closes #132
- place cursor at first tab stop on snippet preview (d3e8701)
- re-enable typo resistance by default (b35a559)
- reduce build-plugin command to minimal dependencies, add command to docs (cfaf9fc)
- remove snippet deduplication (e296d8f), closes #146
- select_and_accept keymap (6394508), closes #118
- support detail only in doc window (#147) (57abdb8)
- support LSP item defaults (ffc4282)
- support LSPs with only full semantic tokens and cleanup (0626cb5)
- support using suffix for fuzzy matching (815f4df), closes #88
- switch to mlua (#105) (873680d)
- use textEditText as fallback for textEdit (abcb2a0)
- windows: add support for individual border character highlights (#175) (3c1a502)
New Contributors
- @Danielkonge made their first contribution in #120
- @niuiic made their first contribution in #136
- @pappasam made their first contribution in #159
- @nic-gaffney made their first contribution in #149
- @NicoElbers made their first contribution in #181
Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.4.0