Bug Fixes
- a lot (8a599ba)
- accept auto brackets (3927e23)
- add version to pkg (8983597)
- avoid immediately showing on context change (632e6ac)
- avoid setting filetype for preview for now (32ef1b9)
- buffer response context (4650a35)
- cancel signature help request on hide (b1fdee5)
- documentation delays (01d5fd0)
- keymap and simplify (0924c8a)
- keymaps (863bad7)
- lazy.nvim loading (9115fc2)
- maintain autocomplete pos when scrolling/resizing (a720117)
- plugin paths (ae4aeae)
- proximity and frecency bonus (7bb4000)
- reference correct signature window (30855cd)
- remove debug prints (013dc02)
- remove references to removed inputs (d69b4d1)
- set pname instead of name (addf204)
- snippets items (d8a593d)
- sources trigger character blocklist (69d3854)
- trigger, docs, so much stuff (fae11d1)
- update package build dir to cmp/fuzzy (13203e3)
- .local/state db location and misc (bf76a01)
- accept and auto brackets config (fd32689)
- add back to repo (24422f2)
- add documentation keymaps (e248579)
- auto brackets support (7203d51)
- basic snippet expansion and text edit support (451dd9e)
- better documentation window positioning (a7ee523)
- complete rework (1efdc8a)
- consolidate context table (ad9ba28)
- drop performance logging (2974bc0)
- dynamic cmp and doc window width (6b78c89)
- enable path source by default (e7362c0)
- hack around LSPs returning filtered items (b58a382)
- handle no items in source provider (82106a4)
- immediate fuzzy on keystroke (1d3d54f)
- implement snippets without deps (37dbee4)
- init flake (87e0416)
- initial (1b28288)
- initial configuration support (b101fc1)
- keymaps in config (d6bad7b)
- lock position to context start (6ee55d4)
- maintain window on immediate new context while deleting (4d1b785)
- min score on fuzzy results, avoid trimming valid items (14a014d)
- misc (e8372ab)
- multi-repo setup based on mini.nvim (15e808b)
- nerd font variant and misc cleanup (6571c96)
- nvim cmp as default highlight (b93a5e3)
- pre-built binary download support, misc refactors (b1004ab)
- put context via wrapper (f5d4dae)
- reenable auto_show for documentation (f1f7de4)
- rework path source (5787816)
- rework sources again (7568de9)
- rework sources system (3ee91b5)
- show on insert on trigger character (a9ff243)
- signature help and misc (fbfdf29)
- smarter caching, misc fixes (3f1c8bd)
- smarter fuzzy, drop logging (6b09eaa)
- sort _ items last (210f21f)
- source should_show, windowing config/fixes, misc (3d1c168)
- update flake to reflect merge with mono-repo (aa80347)
- use naersk to simplify build, remove unused inputs (5579688)
- use remote fzrs for build (04d5647)
- WIP sources rework (ad347a1)
Full Changelog: https://github.com/Saghen/blink.cmp/commits/v0.1.0