SEB 3.5 support the URL content filter finally also in the modern WebView, fixes issues, general and in the optional Screen Proctoring feature (requiring to run your own instance of SEB Server with SEB Screen Proctoring service, SEB never connects to any centralized proctoring or other servers, this always has to be configured individually in case you want to use it!).
New in SEB 3.5rc (Build 154CC):
- Fixed Metadata: Remove SEB version in all SEB window titles, including for SEB Screen Proctoring Application View.
New in SEB 3.5b2 (Build 154C7):
- Added support for URL content filter in WKWebView. Note: If using custom regular expressions as SEB URL filter expression, only the subset supported by WKWebView/Safari Content Filters is allowed, see ).
- Updated selection of WKWebView (no longer dependent on using URL content filters).
- Renamed web browser engine (WebView) policy 'Prefer Modern' to 'Force Modern'.
- Removed UI references to URL content filters regarding the WebView selection policy.
- Fixed: Prefix in Moodle login User ID resolution for SEB Server not working.
- Screen Proctoring Metadata: Remove SEB version in focused window title.
- Now terminating Passwords Menu Bar Extra (Item) as it can be used to cheat.
- "Choose Application" button also for prohibited macOS apps (Settings/Applications).
- Fixed: Entering URL filter rule (Preferences) in text field needs to be confirmed (return/enter).
- Fixed: New URL filter rule isn't saved when using "Apply and Start SEB".
- No longer accepting obviously malformatted Start URL in Settings / General (for example with preceding space).
- Improved validating Start and SEB Server URL in Settings / General: If no protocol scheme is entered, https:// is added.
- Fixed: ConfigKey isn't updated correctly in Settings window.
- Fixed: Crash after ending a SP session without internet connection.
New in SEB 3.5b1 (Build 15465):
- Now allowing independent enabling/disabling of screen/window capture in Settings.
Optional features which need to be individually configured and are disabled by default
- The SEB Server feature Raise Hand is now available again if enabled in session settings.
- Fixed: Expired Screen Proctoring token caused unnecessary server connection interruption handling.
- Fixed: SEB couldn't be quit because it was trying to transmit a screen shot which already was transmitted and deleted.
- Improved security when caching screen shots when connection is offline.
- Now first closing Screen Proctoring, then SEB Server connection.