github SafeExamBrowser/seb-mac 3.1.1pre1
Safe Exam Browser 3.1.1pre1

latest releases: 3.3.3, 3.3.2, 3.3.1_macOS...
pre-release2 years ago

SEB 3.1.1 contains fixes and improvements for SEB 3.1:

  • Support for getDisplayMedia() API for WebRTC screen sharing when running on macOS 11 Big Sur or macOS 12 Monterey. Requires new setting browserMediaCaptureScreen = true (default value is false).
  • Added settings browserMediaCaptureCamera and browserMediaCaptureMicrophone (default true) for controlling browser access to camera/microphone (WebRTC or still pictures/audio recording).
  • Fixed iFrame contents not displayed.
  • Fixed media continues to play after the originating browser tab is closed in modern WebView.
  • Fixed error when connecting to SEB Server and the "expires_in" attribute in the Oauth token response is missing. Added proper optionality to other attributes in this token response JSON.

Known issue:

  • SEB 3.1.1pre1 crashes on macOS 10.15 with the setting browserMediaCaptureScreen = true

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