github Ruben2776/PicView 3.0.4
PicView 3.0.4

one day ago



  • Scroll Window Size: Improved size calculation when Auto fit window is on while scrolling is enabled.
  • Print Everything: Improved the print function to save the image to a temporary file if it's not already a file, or convert the image to a temporary file if it's in an uncommon format.

Bug Fixes

General Fixes

  • Multipage TIFF Navigation: Fixed the page count not updating in the title bar after adding files to the current directory while viewing multipage TIFF files (#190).
  • Update Function: Fixed an issue where the update function only selected the portable builds; if PicView is installed, it now downloads and starts the appropriate installer.
  • Set as Wallpaper: Fixed an issue where setting an image as wallpaper was not applied when the image is not a file.
  • Gallery Setting: Fixed incorrect gallery translation, now correctly indicating whether the gallery is closed or open.
  • Recent Files Highlight: Fixed the currently viewed file not being highlighted in the Recent Files submenu in the context menu.
  • Animated Image Crop: Fixed animated image not being shown after closing crop (cropping animated images is currently not supported).
  • Bottom Toolbar Text: Fixed the context menu option to hide the bottom toolbar, to properly display "Hide bottom toolbar" instead of "Show bottom toolbar".

Renaming and Title Bar

  • Renaming Stability: Fixed a potential crash when renaming files due to an out-of-range exception.
  • Renaming Closing: Fixed Keyboard shortcuts not registering after closing renaming in the title bar by pressing Esc button.
  • Window Title Bar Translation: Fixed instances where translations were not loaded properly when starting PicView without loading a file.
  • Table Bar Width: Fixed incorrect width in the table bar when the window is resized to small sizes.

Rendering Fixes

Auto Fit

  • Auto Fit Sizing: Fixed incorrect sizing when Auto fit window is enabled and the image dimensions exceed the window dimensions.
  • Auto Fit Scroll Sizing: Fixed incorrect sizing when changing pictures while Auto fit window is on and scrolling is enabled.


  • Side-by-Side Navigation: Fixed navigation in side-by-side mode to skip 1 image so that the image on the other side gets skipped correctly, handling looping and end-of-file list scenarios.
  • Loading Crashes: Fixed crashes when Side by side is enabled while navigating pictures.
  • Side-by-Side Rendering: Fixed rendering issues and title bar updates when toggling side-by-side view on and off.

Startup 1:1 ratio and Table Bar Width

  • Startup Rendering: Fixed an issue where images with a 1:1 ratio or where both dimensions exceeded the window size were rendered incorrectly on startup when the window was resizable.

Keyboard & Input Handling

  • Arrow Key Registration: Fixed an issue where arrow keys were not registering after renaming a file in the title bar.
  • Text Box Selection: Fixed an issue where selection was not cleared when pressing the left or right arrow keys in a text box.
  • Key Repeat Handling: Fixed unintended repeated calls when a key was held down.


Buttons and Visual Updates

  • Next Picture Button Position: Moved the hover button for navigating to the next picture next to the scrollbar when scrolling is enabled.
  • Title Bar Buttons: Changed the title bar buttons' width to intersect with the scrollbar width.
  • Button Availability: Disabled buttons when the resources they rely on are not available (e.g., no file/image present, or unsupported image format for optimization).
  • Text Shadow: Added text shadow to highlighted menu items for better contrast.
  • Color Update: Updated secondary accent colors for improved visual aesthetics.

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