github RoboSats/robosats v0.4.2-alpha

latest releases: android-2a1446b, android-7ee0c17, android-93b594f...
24 months ago

RoboSats v0.4.2-alpha is now out! 🚀

This release has only some minor UI improvements a big coordinator bug fix:

  • Fixes onchain payout race-condition. LN payouts are also more reliable.
  • New UI elements when a order with onchain payout finished. Now users are shown temporarily (up to 60 seconds) a spinner "sending coins..." with a link to mempool space for their address. Then, it shows the TXID.
  • Fix small UI bug where current rate price would not show on maker form until the currency is changed.
  • Adds lower bound mining fee limit for onchain payouts (user transactions with very low mining fee could get stuck in mempool oblivion)
  • Adds support for Serbian Dinar RSD @lukabb
  • Adds new payment methods for Russia @dirtyroom969 and Liquid-USDT @minaraus


Click to download RoboSats APK for Android

Verify the app using GPG:

  1. Download the ascii armored signature

  2. Run this command on a directory that contains the apk file and and the ascii armored signature.
    gpg --verify robosats-v0.4.2.alpha.apk.asc

  3. Verify the signer is actually Reckless-Satoshi (fingerprints match): B4AB5F19113D4125DDF217739C4585B561315571

Alternatively you can also verify with the release with the SHA256 checksum.

Known missing features:

  • Android APK has no sound or notifications.

Docker Images

Coordinator Backend Image v0.4.2-alpha (Docker Hub)

docker pull recksato/robosats:v0.4.2-alpha

Client App Image v0.4.2-alpha (Docker Hub)

docker pull recksato/robosats-client:v0.4.2-alpha

See nodeapp/docker-compose.yml for an example docker-compose usage of the robosats-client image.


What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.4.1-alpha...v0.4.2-alpha

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