github RetroGamer74/RRPro_Overlay 1.17

latest releases: 1.23, 1.22, 1.21...
3 years ago

This is very important release.
Let's see what kind of updates RRPro is managing related to the CORE of the RRPro system.

1.- Incremental Updates

  • Meaning: Usually named Core Update. It is an incremental update, which usually grows on each update.
  • Disadvantage: It means, along the time, the update file size is getting bigger.
  • Advantage: The main goal of this update is set your RRPro system to the latest release by downloading just one file.

2.- Full Update

  • Meaning: This update means a full and complete starting point for RRPro. Usually it is available for download in RetroReloaded Repo.
  • Disadvantage: Very big file.
  • Advantage: You can always download it and setup your microSD with RRPro from scratch.

3.- Mini Updates ( NEW feature!! )

  • Meaning: It's an update just containing the files changed from the latest release to the new one.
  • Disadvantage: You always have to be in the latest release. If RRPro Overlay detects you got more missing updates the Incremental Update will be downloaded instead mini update.
  • Advantage: Always very small updates.

How it works?
When you press Update button in the RR Pro Overlay menu, the update system will get the latest online release available. If your current RRPro release is the last one just before the new update you will receive the mini update in a very fast download. On the other hand, if your current RRPro release is not the last one, you will receive the last incremental update which will be a bigger file, and of course, download will take more time.

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