github Reloaded-Project/Reloaded-II 1.8.3
[Beta] Hotfix | 1.8.3

latest releases: 1.27.11, 1.27.10, 1.27.9...
3 years ago

This is an experimental build that may have minor bugs; please report issues directly to the Issues Page.
If you encounter issues please download 1.7.2 instead.
Also be prepared to download an updated version of .NET Core ♥


A small hotfix which performs the following changes:

  • Raised Download Mods search timeout to 10 sec (from 0.5).
  • Auto-search after changing NuGet Sources.
  • Disable controls in NuGet Sources menu when no item is selected.
  • Auto update title in NuGet Sources menu for current title.

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